Standing Order

Georgia Divorce Standing Order: Understanding Its Implications and Impact on Your Case


When it comes to navigating divorce proceedings in Georgia, understanding the intricacies of the legal framework can be overwhelming. One often misunderstood but crucial element is the “Georgia Divorce Standing Order.” This blog post aims to shed light on what a standing order is, its legal implications, and how it affects divorce cases in Georgia.

What is a Georgia Divorce Standing Order?

A Divorce Standing Order in Georgia is a standard court order that automatically takes effect when a divorce case is initiated. Its primary function is to maintain the status quo concerning marital assets, debts, and the welfare of children involved. This means neither party can substantially change financial conditions, hide assets, or disrupt the well-being of the family during the divorce process.

Legal Implications

Asset Preservation

The order restricts both parties from selling, transferring, or otherwise disposing of marital assets without the consent of the other party or further court order.

Children’s Welfare

If children are involved, the order usually contains clauses to prevent either party from removing children from the state or their current school without consent or court approval.

Compliance and Contempt

Non-compliance with the standing order can result in being held in contempt of court, which carries serious legal consequences, including fines and even jail time in extreme cases.

How Does It Affect Your Divorce Case?

Financial Transparency

The order demands financial transparency from both parties. This is instrumental during the property division phase, ensuring neither party can hide or dissipate assets.

Custody Arrangements

The order often lays the groundwork for temporary child custody arrangements, providing a semblance of stability for the children involved.

Legal Strategy

Being aware of the provisions in the standing order can guide your legal strategy. For instance, knowing the limitations on asset disposal can help in negotiations and planning.


Understanding the Georgia Divorce Standing Order is essential for anyone navigating divorce proceedings in Georgia. The order serves as a guideline to protect both parties and ensures a level playing field during the divorce. As with any legal procedure, it’s always advisable to consult with an experienced family law attorney to discuss your unique circumstances and the potential impact of the standing order on your case.

For more insights into Georgia family law or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at 706-546-0999.

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